What is special study?

Special Study, by tradition, is a course (1,2,3 credits) that you do your own study on your topic of interest. You get to choose what you want to study on and later present your study for 30 minutes and receive a grade. Conventionally, you will pick the topic to study as same as your thesis topic. The outcome would be the first three chapters of your dissection (Introduction, Literature Review, and Methodology).

Research and Thesis, what is the different?

By design, research is 1 semester (12 credits) and thesis is 2 semesters (24 credits). The expected outcome difficulty wise, is bigger for thesis. For research, you get to do more courses. Thus, your transcript will have a longer list of courses, and you can do the same amount of dissection for your research.

This is mostly up to you. Generally, we suggest student who want to work in a company to choose research, otherwise, thesis.

What is the worst grade in AIT?

In AIT, F is not the worst grade. When you get F, you can take the same course and re-grade. But, if you get D, you can not remove D from your transcript. Therefore, D is the worst grade in AIT.

Can I drop a course and what will happen?

During the registration period, you can add/drop any courses freely given the approval of your advisor. After that period, you have to write a MEMO requesting for dropping the course. The chance of your MEMO will be approved is decreasing as a function of time.