Deep Learning Model



Fundamental of Brain

Brain Rhythms: Functional Brain Networks Mediated by Oscillatory Neural Coupling

Explain how does the brain react to a stimulus and the coupling of frequency bands and cortex

The Nervous System

Review of how the neuron generates the signal. Neuron, Neurotransmitter, and Action Potential

Signal Processing

Fundamentals of neuronal oscillations and synchrony

This is about is how to interpret EEG signals, including Fourier transform and wavelet (high-level understanding)

Lecture 3 Signal Processing In BCIs

Lecture 3.2 Major Filter Classes

All about the filter. Spatial filter, Temporal Filter

Lecture 7. Oscillatory Process

Explain the basis of “Motor Imaginary Classification using Common Spatial Patterns (CSP)”

  • Lecture 7.1 Basics and Examples
  • Lecture 7.2 The Spatial Filter Problem
  • Lecture 7.3 Common Spatial Patterns

EEG Courses

Mike X Cohen

This channel is about EEG + python + MATLAB madness. They explain everything / more than you need to know about EEG. Channel Link

Neural Signal processing and analysis: Zero to Hero series